A Lesson During Morning Meditation
Lately, my mind has been centering around peace... resolve... balance. This morning, as I began my morning meditation, my little one, Jedi, crawled into bed alongside me. Now, I think that it's imperative that I include that in the morning (and in life), Jedi completely lacks a sense of personal space. Especially when it comes to me, mommy. Oftentimes, when we wake up, he will find me and either place his little hands on my face and sweetly whisper super close to my nose, eyeball, chin or some oddly placed region of my face (where most seldom choose to whisper.) Sometimes he will find me and pull my shirt over his head. I'm guessing that he's reminiscing about our morning nursing sessions. (Sidenote: He officially weaned two months ago.). Of course, by now, it's becoming a bit more difficult for him to pull my shirt over his head, as my belly is beginning to take up the majority of the space. Jedi takes space. His joy fills our room in the morning. Truthfully, I wouldn't have it any other way. This morning was no different.
This morning, as I was meditating, Jedi crawled into bed and began his morning Jedi mind tricks. Truthfully, it was a bit difficult to stay focused on my breath and centered with a toddler pulling my face, jumping on the bed, and basically being a toddler. In that moment, distraction in the form of my little one was front and center. However, at the moment, I realized that while I couldn't change the distraction/ the environment (and why would I?) I could change my viewpoint. I could change my focus. I could stay with my breath, paying attention to how freely my chest would rise and fall on each inhale and exhale. I could pay attention to the air flowing in and out of each nostril. Within that moment, my child was safe. He was in our bed. Our children are healthy and full of life. This is a gift.
The beautiful lesson at that moment was not lost. In the midst of the distraction, I didn't lose focus on my breath. There will always be a demand on your time, your energy, your self. There will always be distractions, even beautiful ones. However, continue to breathe, to capture peace, to embrace all of the joy. Pour into yourself, so that you can contunue to pour into those that matter most. Take space and then return. How are you breathing today?