Shame Shame Go Away
Shame should really go away... I mean shame is like the Urkel (season 1) of emotions projected. It's annoying... It doesn't seem to have purpose... And it stays way longer than necessary..
I absolutely hate when I hear stories of shaming within the motherhood community. Do you breastfeed? Do you bottle feed? Do your kids wear cloth diapers? Or do they wear God forbid mainstream diapers? Wooden Blocks? Plastic Toys? It can all be a lot. With that being said, I have compiled a few ways we can all be the change we would like to see in the world of mamahood... Here are some tips on checking yourself before your wreck yourself and fall into the cycle of shaming. Please ask yourself the following:
1.) Is it helpful? We all have opinions... Sometimes we like to share them. We all have facts... We like to share those too... But is it helpful? Is it beneficial?
2.) What's my motive? Am I giving my opinion/ fact because I truly want to help OR Is there possibly a hidden motive? Am I sharing to truly help? Or to tear down? Check that!
3.) Is it necessary? Will this build up my sister? Excluding the special circumstances where a child is seriously in danger, most moms are truly doing the best that we know how... In that moment. Before jumping in, ask yourself, 'Is this necessary?' We all have different parenting methods. And that's ok. Different doesn't mean bad. Bad means bad... AND we are all competent adults to know when we truly see "bad" parenting... In those cases SPEAK UP. Otherwise, if it doesn't fall into that category ... Sit back and take notes. Perhaps there is something that can be learned...